> WOW! It certainly must take a lot of time from you to manage the filters

  Up to now it _took_ a lot of time to create good filters.

> Why re-invent the wheel! Haven't you thought about using something like
> POPFile for detecting spam?

> If I had to manage those filters I would delete them and return to just
> deleting spam as it comes in, much less work.

  You know this sound stooopeed, right? One pleasure I have over the other
  free/buywares is my filter works just perfect with a very high accuracy,
  and on the top: I have a personal feeling for a system I created myself!

> ...much less work.

  What do you know about that?!? My filters do not need an everyday-fix as
  almost 100% of the spam I receive is taken care of using the filters as
  they are - it is only now and then I need to create better "definitions".

  Besides, I fight spammers - maintaining my own system keeps me very well
  alert to what I am doing!

/ St

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