Dear TB Users

     I have a recent problem downloading mail with large file

     For instance this morning we have an email on our ISP's server
     with a 3Mb attachment. If I try to download this with TB at or
     around 400k the transfer 'stalls' and just sits there.

     All mails of a 'normal' size download no problem.

     Is this a TB problem?

     My ISP tells me there are no problems at their end, but they
     would wouldn't they. :>)

     I successfully retrieved the file using their webmail service
     which they tell me uses IMAP. Their answer is that POP is not
     designed for handling large files.

     Look forward to seeing your thoughts.

Best regards

Using TB version 1.62i

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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