Hello Mike,

On Friday, March 21, 2003 at 3:21:52 AM you [MA]wrote (at least in

BH>> OK, I use AVG to scan incoming mail so that's easy to disable and
BH>> Outpost for the firewall. I think I'll try switching off Outpost to
BH>> start. I have to say that's given me no trouble up to now, I've been
BH>> running it for approx. 6 months.

MA> I've been using Outpost since last September with no problems using
MA> firstly Outlook Express, and then TB since November. I suspect that
MA> *isn't* your problem.

And people were/are using ZoneAlarm without any problem and still it
is one on other computers. Unless you've set up Barrys computer, and
it is in hardware and software (incl. patches, SP, and so on)
absolutely identical to yours _AND_ you and Barry are using the same
POP3-server you simply can't state Outpost can't be a problem. Period.

Barry: give deactivating every possible interfering application a try,
chances are high the problem is located there. That doesn't mean you
have to keep them deactivated 'til eternity, maybe the offending
application can be "fixed" by some settings, after knowing which one
it is.
Peter Palmreuther
(The Bat! v1.63 Beta/7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3)

Never test for an error condition you don't know how to handle.

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