Hello Roelof,

Wednesday, March 19, 2003, 2:12:01 PM, you wrote:

RO> Not sure how honest your ISP is, but it might be the combination
RO> of their server and TB. It might be a firewall or virusscanner on
RO> your side (try to disable those).

OK, I use AVG to scan incoming mail so that's easy to disable and
Outpost for the firewall. I think I'll try switching off Outpost to
start. I have to say that's given me no trouble up to now, I've been
running it for approx. 6 months.

RO> It might even be a bad luck spell some voodoo type guy cast on
RO> your connectivity.

Now that I can believe!

Best regards

Using TB version 1.62i

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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