On Saturday, March 22, 2003 at 01:50:55GMT +0000 (which was 8:50 PM where I live)
  Mike Alexander wrote and made these points on the subject of "Problem with large 
file attachments?":
MA> Saturday, March 22, 2003, 1:14:27 PM, you wrote:

MP>> ZDNet Downloads for:

MP>>                 Free Version       Pro Version
MP>> ZoneAlarm         16,808,637           109,009
MP>> OutPost               39,035             1,860

MP>> This doesn't mean Outpost is inferior to ZA; but, with these numbers in
MP>> mind, it is not abnormal that it will be easier to find someone with a
MP>> ZA-related problem than someone with an Outpost-related problem.

MA> Actually it means even less as most Outpost downloads are from their
MA> sites round the world :)

 There is exactly one feature that I can think of that ZA has that I
wish Outpost did.... The little network activity display when it's in
the system tray.

Best regards,
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