Hello Coyle306,

Thursday, June 26, 2003, 6:07:42 AM, you wrote:

C> All  I  could think of was that the spammer's sticking _my_ address in
C> the  "Reply-To:"  and/or  the  "X-RCPT-TO:"  somehow  fooled the Known
C> filter, since _my_ address was in my address book.

C> Sure  enough,  when  I  deleted my address from the address book, TB
C> stopped sending it to Inbox\Known, and put it in Inbox\Unknown.

C> Seems to me it shouldn't work that way.

Hmmm ... what should not work which way? It seems to me that if an
email is received with a 'from address' that is in your address book it
should be sent to the 'known' box. Just out of curiosity ... what would
you expect to work differently?

Best regards,
 MikeD                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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