On Thu 26-Jun-03 6:13pm -0400, Coyle306 wrote:

> Quoting  from  the Sorting Office window: "The Known filter allows you
> to separate incoming mail by the presence of the _sender's address_ in
> your address book" (My emphasis)

Right - notice that it does not say "From" address - it says "Sender"
which is more than just the From address.

> It  appears to me that the Known filter was not triggering just on the
> sender's  address  -  the  "From:" field - but also on the "Reply-To:"
> and/or   "X-RCPT-TO:"   field   in  the  spam's header, into which the
> spammer had inserted _my address_, which _is_ in my address book.

It appears to use the same logic as used by the Sender in the Filter
strings.  That is, it checks the From, Sender and Reply-To fields.

I ran a test and could not confirm your claim that it also checks the
X-RCPT-TO field (note: I did this check using the Sender in the
"filtering strings").

> The  Known  filter  should trigger _only_ on the "From:" field, not on
> any  other  field  in the header, right? Otherwise, a spammer - or any
> "unknown"  - could stick a recipient's address in another header field
> and  defeat  the filter (assuming the recipient has his own address in
> his AB).

I don't like the Know filter at all and don't use it because of its
bugs on replying from Inbox-Known.  However, I find the current
behavior of the "filtering strings" using Sender to be quite useful.

> Or,  is  the  Known  filter intended to trigger whenever an address in
> one's address book is _anywhere_ in the incoming headers?

Can you demonstrate that behavior?  Simply send yourself an email
without your address in the From, To, Reply-To or Sender fields.  Put
it in a X-Test field.  Let us know if you're right.

If you can't do that through your ISP, simply copy and modify an
existing email, place it in your inbox and manually refilter your

Best regards,

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