MM> Hmmm ... what should not work which way? It seems to me that if an
MM> email  is  received  with a 'from address' that is in your address
MM> book  it  should be sent to the 'known' box. Just out of curiosity
MM> ... what would you expect to work differently?

No.  That's  my point, it _wasn't_ received with a 'from address' that
was  in  my  address  book. It was received with a 'from address' that
_was not_ in my AB.

Quoting  from  the Sorting Office window: "The Known filter allows you
to separate incoming mail by the presence of the _sender's address_ in
your address book" (My emphasis)

It  appears to me that the Known filter was not triggering just on the
sender's  address  -  the  "From:" field - but also on the "Reply-To:"
and/or   "X-RCPT-TO:"   field   in  the  spam's header, into which the
spammer had inserted _my address_, which _is_ in my address book.

The  Known  filter  should trigger _only_ on the "From:" field, not on
any  other  field  in the header, right? Otherwise, a spammer - or any
"unknown"  - could stick a recipient's address in another header field
and  defeat  the filter (assuming the recipient has his own address in
his AB).

Or,  is  the  Known  filter intended to trigger whenever an address in
one's address book is _anywhere_ in the incoming headers?

Chris Coyle

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