Hello Roelof,

RO> Samson wanted to filter his message back to the folder where they were
RO> created. To do that, you need to identify to the folder. That's done
RO> with the macro I suggested. You place the macro on a single line,
RO> doesn't matter where in your templates. (New message, Reply, Forward)

Yes exactly. Using something like a X-Folder-ID header will at least
make all outgoing filter look alike (they all filter by Kludge
X-Folder-ID: project_name).

So far I'm setting this "Setheader" macro in each of my project sub
folder one by one. seems no way to change once and apply to all...

(Using The Bat! v2.00.22 on Windows NT Clone 5.2 Build 3790 )

Best regards,
 Samson                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 2.00.6 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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