Hello Jean!

On Sunday, January 25, 2004, 1:49 PM, you wrote:

JS> Thanks Mary

JS> OK. I'LL ask next question on Tbot.

I know you tried! As I just wrote to Henk, I had a long phone call
from my sister, and it's made me a little late answering you.

>> In addition, I've included a "Reply to:" address in my headers, to make
>> it easy for you to Reply to this e-mail on tbot rather than on tbudl.

JS> I understand that I can't use your"Reply to:" address!

No. That idea of mine didn't work. tbudl over-wrote what I had put in
Reply-to with its own address.

TF>>Just FYI! ;-)

JS> What FYI stands for ?

Thomas Fernandez, a long-time subscriber and poster, was saying, "For
Your Information," and sort of teasing me for not realizing the
situation about Reply-to already.

JS> For continuing on Tbot what can I do?

Try this for right now:

Set up a new message window and in the To: field copy this:


For the subject line copy this:

Re: Help with English expressions [was I kinda like my Bat :)]

Then do Select All on this post and copy-and-paste it into your new
message. That way you will be starting a new thread, where we can
answer your questions on tbot.

At least I hope that perhaps this will work.

Reply to:


Best regards,

The Bat! 2.00.6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

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