Dan Perez wrote:
> Yes I see what you mean now. I have my threads sorted by Subject so my
> suggestion works that way,

Do you mean you are *sorting* by Subject AND threading by subject?  (I
assume yes, as this would make the most sense).  The only time I use a
sort by subject is for reference folders where new messages are rarely

If you have a lot of mail (many threads), and are sorting by subject,
how do you follow topics of interest?  How would you know when new posts
are made to the threads you want to watch?  Do you use color groups?

>  but when I sort by Reference (What is
> reference anyways?) I can see that it does not work then.

If you mean *thread* by reference, that refers to message ids.  When you
post new a message to TBUDL, there is a message ID associated with that.
When I reply to your message, it will be "connected" to your post -
regardless of what I make the subject line.

Sometimes people will select a message in a mailing list, hit Reply and
create a new post to the list that has nothing to do with the message
they selected.  Aside from being lazy, this is inconsiderate of those
who thread by reference, because now you have a new topic attached to
the message id of an irrelevant post.

Threading by subject literally takes the subject line and groups
messages that way.  Because of the different implementations of showing
a reply ("RE") you can get mixed results.

While threading by reference and threading by subject can often show
similar results, they are acting on different things.  The Bat (and many
people) consider threading by Reference the "standard."

There are many people on this list that could probably do a much better
job at explaining this.

> Maybe this is a bug?

Well, I don't know.  I may be misinterpreting how threading works, and
how threads are sorted.  It would be great if threads were sorted based
on most recent post, but perhaps that's too much overhead (requiring a
re-scan of all messages every time new mail arrives)?

Then again, maybe it's supposed to work the way I want?

 Ken Green
 Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

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