On Wednesday, February 25, 2004, 5:44 PM, you wrote:

M> Hello Paul,

>> Subject: SEARCH, the ultimate question- WAS:Re: Crash on Search in 2.04.4

M> Thanks for changing the subject :-)

I remember a potato subject, not too long ago, that went totally off the
deep end;) I like it when subjects make sense, especially when I am busy
and DELETE threads I'm not interested in. Too many times I remember that
I responded to a thread, then started hitting CTRL-SHFT-DEL and OOPS,
there goes my replies ( if there were any:)
I got real tired of that recent thread, where all the messages concerned
Xandros. This was in TBOT, not here, but the point is, all the messages
dealt with Xandros, and had nothing to do with the subject.
I really like that idea of starting subjects with a 2-letter shortcut to
what the topic is...

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4.1.342 (avast! plugin version number)

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