Hello Chris,

Monday, August 23, 2004, 8:04:27 PM, you wrote:

>> I have plenty of problems with TB! at work, where everyone else is
>> using Outlook and the mail server is Exchange. I think a few things
>> might come from TB!-settings but maybe others can be done by change
>> something on the Exchange server... Since I am a bit in the grey
>> zone of company policy by not using Outlook, I have to be careful
>> with questions/complaints. Anyone out there with some time/patience
>> who could maybe help me come up with the right things to say to the
>> admin guy?

> I have an Exchange sever setup at home that I have been playing with a
> bit. I haven't been doing anything complicated like filtering, etc. If
> you want me to look into a few things, I can try.

that would be great, may we take this off-list?

Best regards,
:eu-flag3: :de-bw:

"It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind.  For men it's called lying."

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