Hello David et al,

Tuesday, August 24, 2004, 2:31:11 AM, you wrote:

> Like Alexander, I would be interested in hearing what settings work;
> what the problem was.

okay, thanks to everyone responding...

then let's do it on list.

Here are some of the problems I got:

The  server  changes my reply-to into what the company thinks fits. Like company
policy  is  first name underscore last name, and since we can also get mailed at
first  name  dot  last  name,  I want to use that one, since most customers that
don't  know  my  email-address but my name, just assume it will be the usual dot

(is  this  something  that can be changed on the server on a per-user-base or is
this a general thing?)

somehow  the  server  kills  all  headers  it doesn't like. I can't use the chat
functionality of TB!. (or maybe I haven't turned it on properly???)

BCC:  doesn't  work.  When  I  send a mail with CC: in it, everything works, BCC
doesn't.  Those  on the BCC: line simply don't get a mail (also no error message
for me, just simply nothing).

(this looks like a TB!/server incompatibility?????)

Doing   an  HTML mail doesn't look the same on the other end in Outlook as doing
an  Outlook  HTML  mail  (I guess that has do to rather with Outlook? - if so, I
hope some TB programmers read this thread, too :-)

There's more but I have to come up with them :-/.

The  first  two ones are just cosmetic, but the third one with the BCC is really
bad,  and  the  fourth one enables my boss to point the finger at me saying that
TB! isn't good (anything not behaving like MS soft is bad).

Best regards,
:eu-flag3: :de-bw:

"Never hit a man with glasses. Use your fist!"

Using The Bat! v2.12.03, Opera v7.54.3865 on Win.XP.5.1.2600.SP1

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