Jurgen Haug @ 2004-Aug-24 1:26:07 AM
"someone out there having experience using TB! in a otherwise Outlook/Exchange office 
environment" <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The server changes my reply-to into what the company thinks fits.
> Like company policy is first name underscore last name, and since we
> can also get mailed at first name dot last name, I want to use that
> one, since most customers that don't know my email-address but my
> name, just assume it will be the usual dot thing. (is this something
> that can be changed on the server on a per-user-base or is this a
> general thing?)
This is a setting on the server for the whole domain.

> somehow the server kills all headers it doesn't like. I can't use
> the chat functionality of TB!. (or maybe I haven't turned it on
> properly???)
Again, this is a setting on the server.

> BCC: doesn't work. When I send a mail with CC: in it, everything
> works, BCC doesn't. Those on the BCC: line simply don't get a mail
> (also no error message for me, just simply nothing). (this looks
> like a TB!/server incompatibility?????)
Try sending the message to yourself and BCCing it to others. Exchange
won't let you send a message without a valid "To" address.

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