
On 23-08-2004 20:01, you [JH] wrote in
JH> I have plenty of problems with TB! at work, where everyone else is
JH> using Outlook and the mail server is Exchange. I think a few things
JH> might come from TB!-settings but maybe others can be done by change
JH> something on the Exchange server... Since I am a bit in the grey
JH> zone of company policy by not using Outlook, I have to be careful
JH> with questions/complaints.

I am in the exact same situation - except everything works for me.

I am also using filters. Of course the advanced Outlook features do not

<greeting> Best regards </greeting> 
<author> Peter Fjelsten </author>   
<thebat version> 2.13 "Lucky" Beta/6 </thebat version>
<os> Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1</os>

Current version is 2.12.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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