Hi Jim,

Tuesday, August 24, 2004, 12:04:51 PM, you wrote:

JK> But a new problem has developed. Whenever I click on a url in TB, a
JK> new Netscape window opens rather than using the same one. Is there a
JK> way to fix this?

  Go to Control Panel / Internet Options / Advanced / Browsing and put a
  check mark beside "reuse Windows for launching shortcuts" and see if
  that doesn't do what you want.

  Like Chris, I also use an RSS reader (FeedDemon, which can be found
  here: http://www.bradsoft.com/feeddemon/index.asp) but I think my
  first suggestion will achieve what you want.

Using The Bat! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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