Hello Alexander!

On Friday, September 03, 2004, 2:35 AM, you wrote:

ASK>>> I heard that characters like ":" and "-" and ")" (and their
ASK>>> relatives) actually do like the freedom of imagination they
ASK>>> leave on the user side, rather than being pressed into a
ASK>>> graphical image. Stop the suffering!

MB>> I didn't mean to offend you or anyone else. I just wanted to
MB>> tease my old friend Miguel a bit with that :batbeer: .

ASK> I think I understood that and tried to tease a little bit in
ASK> return, thats all. :-]

It was very cleverly put and I enjoyed it. Still, words without body
language can't be taken for granted as to tone, and I wanted to be
sure things were okay between us. So thanks for the reassurance. :)

ASK> (my very personal opinion is, that replacing standard character
ASK> constructions like :-P and whatnot by "smiley" images is OK, but
ASK> that :disgruntledvoice: or whatever is a bit too "HTML'ish" - ...

I understand. So one tries to choose one's venue when using the
"illustrative" icons, both from the default folder which downloads
with The Bat! and from the Smileys page. What can go on tbot is highly
inappropriate on tbudl. And even on tbot, a sparing use is better,

ASK> ... its really looking odd when one has disabled the smiley
ASK> interpreter in TB - ...

Yes. But with the smiley interpreter on, the handles without colons in
the default.msl can be startling, and I see that 9Val has still not
had time to edit them.

" GRR ," " grr ," and " headshot " still bring up images--and rather
distressing images, at that. These are all words that can be used in a
different context and the unwary person will send an image although
not intending to.

For instance, Thomas Fernandez runs The Bat! at work, in a world-wide
freight-handling company. G R R  (spaces to keep from showing the icon
again for those with Smileys turned on) is an abbreviation to tell the
meaning of certain numbers on his charts. He was quite startled to see
an angry face there, right after he first got the Default Smileys.

This is the reason that all the handles on the Smileys page are
enclosed in colons. I hope that 9Val will soon edit the default.msl
file to enclose all handles in colons there. Of course, if the user of
The Bat! understands the .msl files, he/she can edit the file on his
own machine for himself.

It's new users of The Bat! whom I am afraid will be puzzled or
offended when unintended images turn up in their "View Folder"

ASK> ... which is the case on my end as you may have guessed... its
ASK> one of these odd imports from internet Bulletin Boards, and it is
ASK> merely a weak replacement for a real geeks toys *hehe*).

Bless your heart! You are such a good sport, Alexander.

ASK> Btw., is there a feature request open for an interpreter that
ASK> turn *this* into bold and _that_ into underlined and /those/ into
ASK> italics when using the RTV? I'd support that! (my old "ZConnect"
ASK> point program MicroDot on the Amiga did is - t'was most luvlee!)

I don't know. If not, I wish that you would make a request. It's the
one aspect of my word processor (Word 2000) which I wish I could import
into MicroEd and my View configurations in The Bat!

I can't get onto Bug Traq to post either a bug or a wish. It won't let
me create an account.

ASK> Have a nice day!

You too. Talk to you later.

Best regards,
The Bat! 3.0 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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