Hello Mary,

Thursday, September 2, 2004, 11:58:43 PM, you wrote:

ASK>> I heard that characters like ":" and "-" and ")" (and their
ASK>> relatives) actually do like the freedom of imagination they leave
ASK>> on the user side, rather than being pressed into a graphical
ASK>> image. Stop the suffering!

> I didn't mean to offend you or anyone else. I just wanted to tease my
> old friend Miguel a bit with that :batbeer: .

I think I understood that and tried to tease a little bit in return,
thats all. :-]

(my very personal opinion is, that replacing standard character
constructions like :-P and whatnot by "smiley" images is OK, but that
:disgruntledvoice: or whatever is a bit too "HTML'ish" - its really
looking odd when one has disabled the smiley interpreter in TB - which
is the case on my end as you may have guessed... its one of these odd
imports from internet Bulletin Boards, and it is merely a weak
replacement for a real geeks toys *hehe*).

Btw., is there a feature request open for an interpreter that turn
*this* into bold and _that_ into underlined and /those/ into italics
when using the RTV? I'd support that! (my old "ZConnect" point program
MicroDot on the Amiga did is - t'was most luvlee!)

Have a nice day!

Best regards,

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