W> ==============Original message text=============== W> It seems that my memory explode (150 MO now) and cpu to, just when I try W> to answer 2 mails from the same person. Other answers seem to be OK with W> other sender...
W> Is it possible ? CPU can reach 99% ! W> ==============End of Original message text=============== 3 nights without rest and I have the solution : My memory explode only for answers to the same friend. It's because we exchange on the same subject during 10 or 15 mails and we keep all quoted text since the first mail : all the history ! So, after 10 or 12 answers, the size mail I have to answer is more than 500 000 characters because of HTML tags ! ANd TB explode !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANd don't say Bravo HTML....It is the same thing when you use plain text : if you reach more than 500 000 Characters in Plain text mail, and want to answer it, TB explode Too ! So, why keeping all history of a mail ? Because when you work on a subject, and one day you decide to print it for read it in the train, you just need to print one mail and you have all history. I never have this kind of problem with Outlook or Outlook express. I think it's a real problem for a mailer to explode so quickly !!! I just test to answer a mail of 10 000 000 Char with : OE6, Outlook, Foxmail and Webmail : NO PROBLEM ! Just TB is USELESS and NIL ! I 'm not very happy to export 6000 mails, filters and trees to an other mailer and to have lost my money ! -- WilWilWil :flag-france: TB 3.0 BayesIt! 0.7.1 Bugfix Windows XP Service Pack 1 ________________________________________________ Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information: http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/TBUDLInfo.html