Hello, Vili!

On Sunday, 10 October 2004, you wrote:

KV> ...I write the financial part: companies MUST
KV> buy professional version. Private persons can
KV> choose.

Thank you for the information, Vili! Actually, it
poses an ethical dilemma for me, and your point is
very relevant.

I started doing consulting back in 1996, creating
Web sites for nonprofit and educational organizations:
I also did some writing, editing, and desktop publishing,
as well as a couple of short-term technical-writing
contract jobs, documenting computer software. E-mail
was critical in communicating with clients, although
I was using Pine with UNIX for most of that time and
was myself essentially nonprofit. ;-)

The Web sites that I created were content-based and I
hand-coded them in HTML with BBEdit, a text editor for
the Macintosh. The nature of the Web changed and I got
behind on my Web skills (although I did get to teach a
Web workshop to teachers in Ukraine in 2000, which was
a wonderful experience, and my first time to use The

Because of economic changes here in America, my nonprofit
clients have not been able to offer me any projects for
some time (although I am always open to volunteer work),
and technical-writing opportunities in this region of
the United States are incredibly rare right now. (I lost
a full-time, salaried job because of outsourcing.)

I apologize for giving my life's story, Vili, but as many
wise people have noted, the only constant in life is change
("mutability," as P.B. Shelley puts it in one poem).

Although I correspond with several successful shareware
developers/sellers in Russia and Ukraine who use the
personal edition of The Bat!, it would be unethical
(and illegal) of me to register the personal version and
to continue using it if I actually started to earn any
money again with my consulting (although I am focused
on finding a salaried job).

Your point is a major one, Vili, and I should register the
professional version. The decision would be the right ethical
one to make now (aside from the financial problem), and the
legal one, in the future, should my situation change for
the better.

Thank you, Vili!



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