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   ***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Tue, 12 Oct 2004,
   @  @      at 22:51:47 -0500, when David M. Dickerson wrote:

> Although I correspond with several successful shareware
> developers/sellers in Russia and Ukraine who use the personal edition
> of The Bat!, it would be unethical (and illegal) of me to register the
> personal version and to continue using it if I actually started to
> earn any money again with my consulting (although I am focused on
> finding a salaried job).

Might be I didn't understand just each point in your message, but, if I
receive an offer for a job by e-mail, and if I send them some parts of
this work back, or in entirety, which is done in any other application -
does that mean that I should register "professional" version of TB?

Am I "guilty" if people offers me jobs using my e-mail address? Should I
send then my work to them using some other mailer?

There, now you have even more ethical dilemmas. (-:

Apart from this, I notice that TB is very, very exceptionally uncommonly
rarely used in companies, as "official" mailer, therefore the
"professional" one. (We know which mailer, outspread like a plague, is
used in a such role, and it's coming as "free" one, together with the
paid OS. That is, if you buy a camel, you get a mangy parakeet "gratis".
And since we all use TB, we all own a camel or two as well, therefore
the mangy gratis parakeets too.)

So you see, some "ethical dilemmas" always exist. We are humans, we
devised the ethics/moral (although the Cosmos/Universe perfectly works
all the time without any "moral" or "ethics"), and we have to live with
this, no matter what happens, therefore regardless that panta rei, that
is, the Shelley, who loved equally ancient Greeks and old good Sanskrit
"literature". (:

Since today is Wednesday, I think we should use our favorite mailers
"beyond good and evil", and if this helps somehow then it helps,
although it might help even if it doesn't help just somehow but
entirely, that is anyhow, actually the latter way of helping is even
more helpful.

That much.

I wouldn't induce more confusion, then needed, even if I yearn for this.

Forbearing is a property of Greats. (-:

PS -- Ah, I forgot to add: between ethics and health, I always choose

- --
PGP key uploaded at: <http://pgp.mit.edu/> once just before breakfast
[Earth LOG: 42 day(s) since v3.0 unleashing]


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