
,- - [ Le samedi 25 mars 2006 vers 18:53 Alexander S. Kunz écrivait: ] - -
>> that's why when there is no hardwrap the reader have always the choice
>> to display the mail in a small width... i like when people have the
>> choice to do how they want...

> I do not disagree with you.

> However, this would require that every email client only inserts CR/LF
> when the user explicitely says so - otherwise you don't have a choice.

The fact that some email client automaticaly insert CR/LF to linewrap 
(=hardwrap) does not force other email client to do the same, email 
clients able to read mails without hardwrap are also able to read emails 
with, the only thing important is to know if every email client is able
to read emails without hardwrap, and if yes, why is it encouraged to use

> You can't force all the world to do that for you. Talking about TheBat,
> only a small fraction of its users is using WinEd (which would do what
> you want, but its miserable handling quotes for example).

The fact that some people cannot write messages without hardwrap does not
mean that everyone should, the only point is to know if there is people
who cannot read messages without hardwrap...

>> No, i do not want a wordprocessor paragraph formatting : emails are
>> just text, and does not contain any special formatting like space
>> between paragraphs,... When the writer of a mail *want* to begin text
>> on another line, they insert one CR/LF, when they want to separate two
>> paragraphs, they insert two CR/LF (or more), but when they do not want
>> specificaly to continue on another line, they do insert nothing...

> Thats what TBs WinEd does, so go ahead and use it! ;-)

I use it, my question is : why is it forbidded on some lists and sometimes 
even discouraged ?

>>> And the PDA mailreader does not have the simple mechanism to remove
>>> single CR/LF combinations and re-flow the message text for you?
>>> Poorly programmed, I'd say. :-P

>> Again, it's technicaly not possible to disting linebreak from hardwrap...

> For a small screen device like a PDA, I could live with that limitation.
> It depends on the situation.

I can live with it if i need to, i just do not understand why it's the 
"recommended" way to do when there are another way much more compatible 
with every screen and user wish...

>> But how can you change the "Wrap text at" settings within template ?

> You don't need to. Switch to WinEd. It wraps only on screen, not in the
> actual message that is sent.

Yes i need to because i do not want to wrap on screen nope, i like to write 
like i read : using the whole size of my screen.

If i set "Wrap text at" to 76, WinEd do wrap my text on my screen (even if 
it do not add CR/LF) at the 76th chars, to avoid that and use the whole size 
of the editor window, i must set the "wrap text at" to a really big value 
(the maximum, 32000).

To use WinEd like i want, i must set "Wrap text at 32000", but to respect
the rules of some list, i need to use MicroEd with "Wrap text at 76", it
would be great to define that in the template, so i can use my prefered 
settings most of the time, but enable hardwrap when i write to a list
requesting it...

`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Best regards...
(_'  L'informatique est ma passion, vous la simplifier, mon métier !
,_)téphane Bouvard [antarex AT freenet DOT be] http://www.antarex.be

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