Hello Stephane Bouvard (ML) & everyone else,

on 25-Mrz-2006 at 19:26 you (Stephane Bouvard (ML)) wrote:

>> Thats what TBs WinEd does, so go ahead and use it! ;-)

> I use it, my question is : why is it forbidded on some lists and
> sometimes even discouraged ?

Forbidden: I don't know, I don't know any list that forbids it (or did I
miss that in the TBUDL list).

Discouraged: readability, we've been thru that already. :-)

> I can live with it if i need to, i just do not understand why it's the
> "recommended" way to do when there are another way much more
> compatible with every screen and user wish...

I dare say that it is very much a compatibility issue, even today... :-(

>>> But how can you change the "Wrap text at" settings within template ?

>> You don't need to. Switch to WinEd. It wraps only on screen, not in the
>> actual message that is sent.

> Yes i need to because i do not want to wrap on screen nope, i like to write
> like i read : using the whole size of my screen.

I understand now. I don't know a way around this, sorry.

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

It is better to have tried and failed than to have failed to try, but
the result's the same. -- Mike Dennison

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