Because I recently had to restore TB! from a 2 month old backup, I
  decided to use the Scheduler to have TB! do a nightly incremental
  backup. I set it up to run at 01:45 a.m. each night and to send an
  email immediately upon completion from one account to another using a
  template that reports the time and date of the successful backup.

  When I execute this recurring event from the Scheduler, it performs
  exactly as I designed it. It does the backup, creates and sends the
  email, and the email reports exactly what it should. Therefore, I
  conclude from this that the event is set up properly.

  However, my problem is that the event isn't triggered automatically.
  When I examine the properties of the event, everything looks like it
  is set up properly, so I must be overlooking something. Here's what is
  on each tab of the properties of the event:

  General tab: Description: "Backup TB! each night." Start Friday,
  August 11, 2006 at 01:45 a.m. Duration is 1 hour. Nothing else is

  Actions tab: Execute these actions when event starts = Backup, and
  Execute these actions when event finishes = Create/Send message.

  Recurrence tab: Repeat this event every 1 Day. Stop repeating this
  event = Never.

  Advanced tab: Event occurs according to these rules: Time = 01:45 a.m.
  Days = Every day, Week = Every week, and Months = Every month.

  Links tab: Has nothing set.

  Categories tab: Has nothing set.

  Can you tell me what to change to cause this event to trigger
  automatically every night as it should? I'll reiterate that if I
  manually cause this scheduled event to execute immediately, it does
  everything just exactly as it should.

  Thanks for any suggestions you may have.


Using The Bat! v3.81.14 Beta on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.80.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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