Hash: SHA224

   ***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Tue, 12 Dec 2006,
   @  @      at 15:09:59 +0000, when MFPA wrote:

>> This schema with three main partitions (OS | Programs |
>> Data/Documents) is the best/safest way. Many professionals find it as
>> best solution too. Often is done further division of the Data as well
>> (e.g. private, business etc.).

> I have seen advocated partitions for TEMP and Archive in addition to
> those three, although I suppose Archive is just another example of a
> further division of Data.

Yes, they do that too, and in various ways. Basically, the entire
"administration" can be (and indeed is, by more advanced, "demanding",
"weird" users) divided into much more specialized sectors, and perhaps
best example is the quite "classical" Linux/Unix strategy. There you can
see that it by default has several (6-7) main partitions...

/bin     # programs coming with OS itself and shared by all users
/etc     # OS settings and related tools
/home    # place for (non-root) users
/root    # for the "boss" and his/her privileged secrets and tricks
/usr     # for programs installed and shared by users

...and so on.

       This of course is not the case with "modern" Linux installations
       that imitate the Windows, installing all on just one single
       partition, in order to make it for the users accustomed to
       Windows easier to manage.

Also, there are users who in Windows, in return, apply exactly the rules
and habits found in the "classic" Linux, making thus separate dedicated
partitions for, as you have mentioned, TEMP, Archive, Documents and so
on, and changing the system variables to point to these partitions
accordingly, instead to the default addresses.

> Out of interest (and at the risk of moving too far off-topic), what
> are the arguments either way between using partitions or physical
> drives?

This part is not clear to me. I will suppose that by "drives" you here
mean actually "hard disk", in contrast to the part of it, partition
(since "drive" and "partition" are most frequently used as synonyms)?

If yes, then there is no any significant difference, for the goal is
same: to keep various types of data separated, and thus to provide more
security/safety for them. (If OS kicks the bucket, the Documents will
remain unaffected and so forth.)

In particular situations, it's even better to keep your Documents on
separate hard disk, since this way they are even more isolated from the
rest, and if it is even a portable, USB and so on hard disk, then even
better - anyone who would by a chance access your machine, wouldn't find
any data on it except the OS and usual programs, so couldn't screw
something up, be that intentionally or not.

And it is all actually very much on topic too, since it can be applied
to mail administration as well: separate partition, or even hard disk,
for the mail only, or even two or more partitions, for various types of
mail - private, business and so on.

Then, it is much less risky if you encrypt just individual partition
then the entire hard disk.

So, this division into partitions, and even the use of dedicated hard
disks, is very useful and practical thing and can be applied in many
various situations.

We of course are forced to learn this and similar things usually not
until having undergone some loss of (valuable) data, so that actually a
certain pain is our "stimulator" much rather than a fancy wish to be a
"geeks". <g>

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