Hash: SHA224

   ***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Wed, 6 Dec 2006,
   @  @      at 15:28:33 -0600, when Douglas Hinds wrote:

>> And when I tried a v. 3.85 MSI install, Windows told me it could not
>> do that.

> B Gates could be the devil.

Well, the impulse to control/"rule" just everything and yet due to
greediness is a demonic property, yes. Some call them "hungry spirits",
beings of artificial appetite that is impossible to satisfy, so they are
depicted as terribly skinny creatures with huge balloon-alike stomachs.

>>>> Manually extracting the files from the MSI archive will most likely
>>>> not fix it. You'll still have a corrupt entry in the MS installer
>>>> database that needs fixing.

> Mr. Mica said that all I had to do is substitute the old thebat.exe
> file with the new one.

I always was doing this way, including the versions 3 (those in MSI
packages as well), until I gave them up.

> I recall that this used to work for most previous TB! uogrades, and
> there was also an ftp access with zip files on the ritlab site.

Yes, those were the exe files only, and mainly compressed with RAR. La
MSI emballage made the things just more complicated, limited, and yet
tinkering quite unnecessarily with OS. There is nothing worse than a
software integrated, in any way, into OS, which is the source then of
instability of both the software and OS.

> Mr. Mica said TB! runs pretty slow on Linux. There were a lot of
> people on tbot using Xandros but they must have unsubscribed.

Only the charming buxom lady Anne, quite experienced Linux user, used TB
and Xandros, to my knowledge, but she unsubscribed, yes, longish time
ago. She was quite happy with this combination.

I myself was using TB under Xandros (and many other Linuxes, Vector,
Knoppix, Gentoo, Libranet, Gnoppix, Slackware, Debian...), but basically
the performance, in relation to Windows, is same. I used Xandros to try
if Cross Office could do it better than Wine (although the core of Cross
Office is based exactly on the Wine), but it couldn't. Even the "pure"
Wine is a wee bit better (more clean, lighter on resources and faster).

You could try it yourself and see does this speed match your working
habits, temperament (my best experiences so far are with Knoppix 5.0.1
and the version of Wine coming with it). Except the speed and some
aesthetic quirks, slight twitches and peculiarities, everything works,
and as usual.

But if you work a bit longer with it, those twitches have tendency to
assimilate you, like smallpox.

TB under Linux quivers like a pudding. Slightly though and quite
delicately, but quivers. I myself don't like it. With software. I like
firm and defined forms on that score, so when you click on a button, or
"inter-face", nothing shakes nor ripples.

Anyway, developers of Wine obviously advance. Earlier, TB will simply
explode right in your face, if you touch wrong button/area or you make
wrong move, which means actually that we probably will not need any
"portage" to Linux, but will manage quite fine via Wine.

- --
 ~~~ For personal mail please use my address as it is *exactly* given
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[Earth LOG: 670 day(s) since v3.0 unleashing]
OSs: Windows 98 SE Micro Lite Professional IVa Enterprise Millennium
     Windows XP(ee) Micro Lite Professional 1.6, Gentoo & Vector ~ Wine


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