Hash: SHA224

   ***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Fri, 8 Dec 2006,
   @  @      at 17:56:29 -0600, when Douglas Hinds wrote:

>> This schema with three main partitions (OS | Programs |
>> Data/Documents) is the best/safest way. Many professionals find it as
>> best solution too. Often is done further division of the Data as well
>> (e.g. private, business etc.).

> Organizing an efficient directory system isn't easy. It's like
> designing a Thesaurus and lets you know where to find what you're
> looking for.

It can be tricky, yes, like organizing life. If you know what you do and
what you want, you have better chances however. Then the size matters
also. I keep all "My Documents/MOJA AKTA", all sorts of edited files, at
one partition (encrypted "container"), but not my mail since it's too
big, so for the mail only I have to have dedicated partition (actually
another encrypted container, with TB installed on it) as well. And so

And sometimes in the course of events it shows as not just ideal way so
I have to remodel it anew.


>> On TBUDL I think I already have sent instructions on how to install
>> TB in Linux using Wine.

> I don't have access to the TBUDL archives on this computer. I'd have
> to look for it on the dutaint website.

I yet have to detect this message (too busy day today here[1]) and then
will adapt it for Knoppix.


> And the lists were so civilized.

The more you are with people the more you know them. And "they all look
normal until you know them", as the famous tag/cookie says.

> There was no gang banging then.

Definitely not. Again, gangs are accustomed to deal with a victim type,
and is big surprise then when they discover that they deal actually with
a hunter type. The price of inattentiveness. But I think it will be
solved in a productive and "socially acceptable" way.


> I had 50 mg of encrypted email I couldn't access. A good friend from
> TBUDL (Conrad, who may still be lurking), helped me remedy that.
> (While Calypso's just sat there and smirked).

This is the real and genuine value of the very purpose of the lists as
such. Internet indeed is amazing means for all sorts of good things too.
A real miracles may be made this way, and they really are made, every
now and then. Just depends on what direction one decides to take.


> From what I've read since I posted that, upgrading to Vista isn't a
> good idea unless the computer comes with it.

I have not much informations of Vista, yet.


>> Unfortunately I'll have to scrutinize this OS too, wishing this
>> pleasure or not, as I had with XP(ee), since I have to "be in touch"
>> with MS "products", even if and when I don't use them myself a lot
>> (cooperators, clients and similar).

> You're a guru, then.

I go actually into an OS just as much as I need in my practical work (to
protect files and similar). Unfortunately, it sometimes goes a way
deeper than I would ever wish. It always takes more time than I would
wish to spend for, and I don't like it. But I have to do my "homework".

DH>>> The main advantage to using windows is the tremendous amount of
DH>>> third party software, shareware and freeware available.

>> Indeed. It is still so. Linux is good for some more specialized, and
>> "safer", more stable, work, but plenty of that is still in the area
>> of Windows, including indeed fantastic games, for instance, but some
>> other quite useful software too.

> It's like a poorly designed city - but that's where the people are.

Yes, and one has to manage with it, somehow.


[1] I had to leave my mother in hospital today due to it seems slighter
cerebral hemorrhage this forenoon. She couldn't pronounce/articulate
words normally, nor to write, although understanding everything told,
and, yes, she doesn't like to take medicaments regularly. And suddenly I
encountered today so many people and friends with their parents being in
even worse conditions...

- --
 ~~~ For personal mail please use my address as it is *exactly* given
     in my "From" field, otherwise it will not reach me. ~~~
GPG keys/docs/software at: http://blueness.port5.com/pgpkeys/
[Earth LOG: 670 day(s) since v3.0 unleashing]
OSs: Windows 98 SE Micro Lite Professional IVa Enterprise Millennium
     Windows XP(ee) Micro Lite Professional 1.6, Gentoo & Vector ~ Wine


Current version is 3.85.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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