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   ***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Fri, 8 Dec 2006,
   @  @      at 23:31:30 +0000, when Benedict Allen wrote:

> Howdy Mica,

> Friday, December 8, 2006, 2:49:10 PM, Mica wrotened:

>>> Knoppix runs from a CD. I have an older version (3.6) of it.

MM>> Knoppix also can be installed quite easily to hard disk as well (the
MM>> easiest Linux installation actually, but is not very known, taking about
MM>> 20 minutes and being 98,7% automatic). Very easy instructions I have
MM>> sent recently to a TBOT (to a...member claiming he is not Dick
MM>> Whittington and who couldn't manage with it). If you want I can resend
MM>> these instructions.

> 2) You should have your Windows imaged (Ghost v8 is quite fine)
> somewhere. (:

> 3) You should indeed download XOSL (it's freeware, and I think even open
> source) and install it, even without other OS (Linux) installed, to see
> how it works (it can work even with just one OS, and be useful for some
> things). Install it on C: drive.

> Strangely   there   was  no  1).  But  as  I  recall  these  were  the
> instructions.


In _this_ message, everything preceding the 2) is 1).

You managed not only to mix up messages but the lists too. Why is so, we
may just wonder...

This is what I wrote, once upon a time, when I thought it's a well spent
time (and I should be beaten for it, because I deserve it), on TBOT (but
since it's useful for those wanting to try TB in Linux I'll resend this
text here on TBUDL). Here it goes...


Subject: Re: advice

   ***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Sat, 14 Oct 2006,
   @  @      at 01:32:29 +0100, when Ben Allen wrote:

> Howdy Flying Rodent fans,

>   I'm  just  writing here to get advice really. I have finally decided
>   to  take  the  plunge  and  experiment with linux. So I was about to
>   start  by  creating  a dual boot partition. Then I realised I had no
>   idea what I was doing... So I came here looking for someone to point
>   me  in the right direction. And dont recommend a program that i have
>   to  pay  for... coz i cant afford to pay for anything at the moment.
>   Darn contract changes

Download XOSL (Extended Operative System Loader), so any time you change
something with your OSs, in terms of installing a new one, or
reinstalling them (from an image or otherwise) you have just to go to
DOS and run the XOSL to restore, or install anew, your boot sector(s),
in practically seconds.

I have several Linuxes and Windows, and am switching between them quite
often, also rebuilding them and then re-installing them from images, so
the tinkering with the boot processes, the order of OSs etc. is almost a
daily routine, and is done very easy with XOSL.

When you install Linux, don't install boot loader (Lilo or Grub) on MBR,
but on the partition you install the Linux on, for if it goes to MBR it
will overtake booting of all OSs you have, which is not very pretty
(since they then depend on the particular OS/Linux, and besides you will
have yet to tweak each additionally). Save this, anytime you (re)install
a Windows anew, it will overtake MBR, screwing up your Linux boot

When you install Linux boot loader on the given Linux partition, you
have just to run XOSL then and to line up all the systems you have --
with their original individual boot methods/sectors. It is same when you
(re)install a Windows.


If you are new to Linux...before you start with installation, run
Partition Magic from Windows and make two Linux partitions: one of say 3
GB (you don't need more, even for biggest Linux) for the Linux package
itself and one of say 250 MB for swap, so the installation will find
them automatically and thus you will not be thrown into quite unfamiliar
Linux' partition program(s) where you can screw up something quite
easily, including your Windows installation/files (or even the whole

An ultra-easy way of installing Linux is to take _Knoppix_ 5.0.1, the
"live CD" and to install it on HDD. It takes about 20 minutes for very
average and perhaps even somewhat outdated machine (as to RAM, CPU)
after which you have _completely tweaked/tuned_, and yet excellently, as
to precision, security and stability, Linux.

If you decide this, then just boot using the live CD, open Konsole (you
will see the icon in "quick start" sector of the task bar) and type in

sudo ./knoppix-installer

...hit [enter] button, and installation will start.

When you are prompted for the type of installation, choose
"debian/typical/recommended", not "beginner", for you'll be given more
choices. (Once you became familiar with this one, you may safely kid
with other two types/styles -- or simply make 3 Linux partitions at once
and install them all, so you can scrutinize differences, it's very
educative "distro" as well.)

When you are prompted whether to install Grub (the boot loader) on MBR
choose "NO", and it will install then on partition where Linux goes.

When you are prompted for file system type, choose ext3, not reisfers.


When installation is over, go to ("pure") DOS and run XOSL (do "cd" to
\XOSL folder and type "install"). When is installed, reboot, then find
Windows and Linux partitions and make a menu. It's pretty
self-explanatory and you will figure out what is what yourself easily.

In terms of Windows, partitions/drives are numbered this way:

C                       0
D                       1
E                       2


In terms of Linux, they are numbered this way:

C                       /hda1
D                       /hda5
E                       /hda6

etc. -- providing that you have only one disk, or that we deal here just
with the first one.


When you are done, start the Knoppix, go to Start (menu/Alt+F1) | Games
| ... | Frozzen Bubble, a very nice nice looking and addictive game.

Knoppix is exceptionally good, safe and functional Linux both for
absolute beginners, literally, and very experienced users. (I use it for
[cross]compiling GnuPG CVS versions.)

File managers: (1) in Konsole type in "mc" and Midnight Commander will
               appear, very similar to Total Commander, just running
               from CLI;

               (2) Konqueror is, despite its certified idiotic name, an
               excellent GUI file manager, close to the look of a Win
               Exploder but with much more functions. It's found in
               Start Menu.

With this you are quite fine equipped to begin your fling in a Linux
adventure. (-,


Oh, lo the cookiedance... (-:

- --
 ~~~ For personal mail please use my address as it is *exactly* given
     in my "From" field, otherwise it will not reach me. ~~~
GPG keys/docs/software at: http://blueness.port5.com/pgpkeys/
Only idiot will advise a fool. And vice versa.
OSs: Windows 98 SE Micro Lite Professional IVa Enterprise Millennium
     Windows XP(ee) Micro Lite Professional 1.6, Gentoo & Vector ~ Wine


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