But your list of sessions for Monday makes my point:

 As to the variety offered, here's the session titles offered just for
> Monday this year:
>        Tips and tricks for roboHelp users NOT USING RH
>        Cross-culturl virtual teams and distance education ALREADY DOING
>        Modular writing and reusability ALREADY DOING THIS
>        Electronically stored information, the law, and you TAUGHT CLASSES
>        Automated web globalization HAD POTENTIAL
>        How to design anything DON'T NEED
>        Estimating and tracking project costs BEEN DOING THIS FOR YEARS
>        Incorporating usability into content management BEEN DOING THIS FOR
>        Web 2.0 and its impact on tech comm NOT INTERESTED
>        Dita, design patterns, and the real world NOT INTERESTED
>        Responsible authoriing to reduce translation cost ALREADY DOING
>        How to create lean documents ALREADY DOING THIS
>        Making sense of the Frame/XML alphabet soup DON'T USE FM (thank
> gawd)
>        Developing non-software-based eLearning with Captivate HAD
>        Participatory design ALREADY DOING THIS
>        Interview with usability expert Jared Spool TALK TO HIM ALL THE
>        Effect page layout for the nonartist BEEN DOING THIS FOR YEARS
>        Myths and trends in the changing English language NOT INTERESTED
>        Why the old technical communicator ain't no more NOT INTERESTED
>        Quality localization begins at the source ALREADY DOING THIS
>        Interaction design in language design HAD POTENTIAL
>        Beyond the basics of project management BEEN THERE DONE THAT
>        Know your "business numbers" and why they're important ALREADY
>        It's not my aunt's online help anymore! DUNNO
>        The history and future of free and open source software NOT
>        SDL AuthorAssistant - empowering authors to write NOT INTERESTED
>        Minimalist documentation and cohesiveness of documents ALREADY
>        Using research to better your practice ALREADY DOING THIS
>        The future of XML publishing NOT INTERESTED
>        Conducting a user-centered expert review ALREADY DOING THIS
>        Progressions of STC's instructional design and learning
> community NOT INTERESTED
>        Web form design best practices BEEN THERE DONE THAT
>        What technical communicators need to know WAY PAST THAT
>        Ask the experts panel NOT INTERESTED
>        Road Signs: finding your way in the visual world BEEN THERE DONE
>        Learn how your department funding affects your success ALREADY
>        Strategic plannign for new publishing technology NOT INTERESTED
>        Podcasting production 101 HAD MINOR POTENTIAL
>        Streamline your global content lifecycle ALREADY DOING THIS

So you can see, really, not that much of interest *to me*. I'm glad you
found it interesting and useful, but (and as others have said), many of
these sessions are just not much help to someone who's been in the field for
20 years. Hell, I could present half of 'em! :)


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