My reasons are much like everyone else's. 

Cost is a factor -- the college doesn't reimburse enough of the total
expense to make it practical when I have many other demands on my money. 

General ennui with the STC, although the Conference has perennially been the
greatest value-for-money event the STC does. I always got a lot more out of
it than it cost. However, this STC tagline business makes we wonder what
they're thinking in head office. <shakes her head>

I have been a speaker at previous conferences -- I didn't propose a paper
this year because of some uncertainty about whether I'd be able to attend.
Turns out, I was right. Life got in the way this year. :-)

Beth Agnew
Professor, Technical Communication
Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
416-491-5050 x3133

-----Original Message-----

For those of you who weren't at the STC conference, I'm just curious
why. Was it a money thing? A time away from work thing? A total lack of
interest in STC thing? 


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