On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 10:03:02AM +0100, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> It's not "breaking it on the branch", it introducing a backward compat
> problem with the lfs modules, for those who are using the lfs
> module (it's statically built into the kernel by default).
> I didn't feel it's a problem, but if it is it can fixed in a simple way:
> I could add the extra parameter to UFS_BALLOC() now, but not use it.

I'd add that the compat problem is what you run a new ffs module with
an older lfs one. That would mean one has to update only some modules to
run into it.

Manuel Bouyer <bou...@antioche.eu.org>
     NetBSD: 26 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference

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