On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 12:18 PM, Robert Hajime Lanning
<lann...@lanning.cc> wrote:
> Edward Ned Harvey wrote:
>> Apparently TPM is not a new thing.  Even my oldest Dell laptop (5-6 years
>> old) has a TPM, which I never bothered to enable.  I have to guess that
>> BitLocker is probably not the first whole-disk-encryption solution to
>> utilize it.  Not sure why it seems to have become the new buzz word.  Either
>> way, whatever the reason this didn't take off before, I really enjoy
>> BitLocker, and am happy I found it.  I'm the only person who knows anything
>> has changed in my computer; it looks, behaves, and performs exactly as it
>> did before.  I have some increased cpu utilization to perform my encryption,
>> but my disk performance is not measurably different from before.  Well, at
>> most 5% or 10%, which basically falls into the "noise" of hard disk
>> benchmarks.  That could be random sampling error.
> I am surprised that no one has brought up hard drives that have FDE
> functions.
> <disclaimer>
>    I worked for Seagate when they came out with this.
> </disclaimer>
> http://www.seagate.com/www/en-us/products/laptops/laptop-hard-drives/
> http://www.seagate.com/docs/pdf/datasheet/disc/ds_momentus_fde_family.pdf
> The key is generated on the controller. It works with TPM to unlock
> access.  DoD erase is split second, by wiping of key from the drive.
> "Seagate Self-Encrypting Drives deliver government-grade encryption
> without performance degredation – protecting your data where it lives.
> The FIPS 140-2* options are NIST government certified for both U.S. and
> Canadian usage with sensitive data."

The problem with this, and please tell me if there's a fix for it, is
that when a system dies and I need to move the drive into another
system to recover the data, how do I get the keys for the drive?  Is
there a setup that you initially run, like with Bitlocker, where you
can save the keys to a safe place?  Otherwise I'd need to rely on the
most recent backup, which may or may not be up to date.

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