Somehow someone here figures I am a network layout guru and I got tagged
to guide one of our schools in restructuring their Network. I am looking
for some type of guide or spec that would say when it is best to use a
Home run to Network Center or to set up a Terminal Closet and have just
one (with a spare) run back to the Network Center. 

The current situation has the Server Room (Network Center) in the
middle of the school (well it is about 50 feet off of center). On one
side of the building they have a Terminal Closet and one home run from
the TC to the Server Room as it is about 150 ft from Network Center. The
other side of the building are Home runs to the Network center. That is
the side that is in question. Runs to a Terminal closet may be the same
distance as the network Center. 

I have to add 8 drops to this side and have been having this mental
battle.  Add a TC, no add the home runs. Back and forth. So is there
such a Rosetta stone that says when you reach the x ft limit put a
terminal closet.  Or should the longest run be one from the TC to the
Center and keep your runs from the Peripheral to the switch as short as

Thanks as always the list has always proven a great source.

John J. Boris, Sr.
JEN-A-SyS Administrator
Archdiocese of Philadelphia
"Remember! That light at the end of the tunnel
Just might be the headlight of an oncoming train!"
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