On 9/30/2010 9:59 AM, John BORIS wrote:
> Ned,
> Thanks for the pointers. The cost factor isn't in play here as when and
> if this gets accomplished the school may not go with a wiring company
> but rely on in house help to get it accomplished. I truly understand the
> cost factor.  Most of the drops on this network are used for printing,
> Internet (Email, normal surfing hopefully job related), an application
> that uses ssh and Remote Desktop applications.
> The reason for the look at rewiring is a recent outage on this LAN that
> got me involved. This LAN is the administrative LAN and not the
> educational side which seems to run okay (knock on simulated wood).
> The 100' seems to be the magic number. Going to Cat6 when they upgrade
> is a great suggestion. It will at least get them in the mode for future
> upgrades.
> Thanks again. This gives me some peace of mind that I am going in the
> right direction.
Keep in mind that most of the cost of wiring is in the labor, not the 
materials. You would be well served to run more than you need and 
include fiber at the same time. You will thank yourself for it later.

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