The item I find interesting in all this is one I have not seen
commented on:

        "the FBI implemented a number of backdoors and
         side channel key leaking mechanisms into the OCF, 
         for the express purpose of monitoring the site to 
         site VPN encryption system implemented by EOUSA"

Two things come immediately to mind:

        1. If I legitimately need access to monitor traffic over 
           a VPN I either have access to an endpoint, or I have
           the keys. Or a warrant.
        2. OpenBSD was (is) by this report used by at least one US
           agency. There are lots of other little reports and
           snippets over time that suggest use by many other
           US government agencies.

Therefore, over and above any technical security issues, we have
the allegation that:

        1. An agency is (possibly illegitimately) trying to sniff the 
           traffic of another agency.
        2. To do so, that agency deliberately weakened a tool used 
           by other US government agencies, thereby compromising 
           their security.

I call fantasy. (On the other hand: prove a backdoor, create a
political tempest where OpenBSD's involvement is almost incidental.)


Carson Harding - harding (at) motd (dot) ca

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