this thread is DEAD. Drop it.

No one believes in "backdoors" planted into OpenBSD.

I se commits - you dig all over the place.
If "backdoor" existed, then it is gone cause of this digging.

Without proof its just a plain BS.

I lost my interest for a while ago now.

On Dec 17, 2010, at 7:23 PM, Theo de Raadt wrote:

>> On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 7:59 AM, Theo de Raadt <>
>> ote:
>> [skipped]
>>>> I have to say that Perry here is credited with one thing he actually di=
>> d not
>>>> do -- publish this to the world. There has been talk of alterior motive=
>> s here,
>>>> but for any of these motives, Perry had to know or pretty damn well gue=
>> ssed
>>>> that =C2=A0the second thing Theo (hi, Theo) would do to his email was t=
>> o publish it.
>>>> Would you plan anything based on a predicted behavior of a person you
>>>> haven't communicated with in 10 years?
>>>> This is not to point finger at Theo for creating all this commotion, of=
>> course;
>>>> this commotion can, however, be, an unintended accident, but the fact t=
>> hat
>>>> it came from Theo gave it a lot of credibility.
>>> Whoa, wait a second here. =C2=A0If you think I gave it credibility, you
>>> need to go back and read my words again. =C2=A0I called it an allegation,
>>> and I stick with that. =C2=A0I was extremely careful with my words, and
>> ou
>>> are wrong to interpret them as you do.
>> Look, if somebody like me posted something like this here, it would be
>> plain dismissed.
> If that is the case -- that people would dismiss it automatically --
> then the community is really stupid.  You are almost arguing that that
> is the way it should be.
> Allegation of not, code should always be checked, and re-checked, and
> re-checked.
> What I am seeing is that we have a ridiculously upside-down trust
> model -- "Trust the developers".
> We never asked for people to trust us.  We might have "earned some" in
> some people's eyes, but if so it has always been false, even before
> this.  People should trust what they test, but the world has become
> incredibly lazy.
> We build this stuff by trusting each other as friends, and that is
> done on an international level.  If anything, the layers and volume of
> trust involved in software development should decrease trust. Oh
> right, let's hear some of that "many eyes" crap again.  My favorite
> part of the "many eyes" argument is how few bugs were found by the two
> eyes of Eric (the originator of the statement).  All the many eyes are
> apparently attached to a lot of hands that type lots of words about
> many eyes, and never actually audit code.
> If anything, the collaborative model we use should _decrease_ trust,
> except, well, unless you compare it to the other model -- corporate
> software -- where they don't even start from any position of trust.
> There you are trusting the money, here you are trusting people I've
> never met.
>> If Perry posted his email here, he'd just be under fire to
>> show some or any proof.
> OK, so I post it, and then noone asks him for proof, now it suddenly
> has more strength?  I am so bloody dissapointed in the community that
> uses our stuff.
>> The reason this was so widely picked up
>> and generated so much flame and buzz, is because you posted it here.
> How dismal.
>> It's an unfortunate consequence of a right action, really. I'm not even
>> remotely saying that you intended to give it weight, or that you
>> should've swept it under the rug.
> What a dismal world view.

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