I agree with Marc - "it's hopeless" We live in a world where spin is king. Anything you say can and will be twisted against you.

On 12/17/10 9:39 AM, Marc Espie wrote:
On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 08:59:13AM -0700, Theo de Raadt wrote:
This is not to point finger at Theo for creating all this commotion, of course;
this commotion can, however, be, an unintended accident, but the fact that
it came from Theo gave it a lot of credibility.
Whoa, wait a second here.  If you think I gave it credibility, you
need to go back and read my words again.  I called it an allegation,
and I stick with that.  I was extremely careful with my words, and you
are wrong to interpret them as you do.
Theo, it's hopeless. Kids these days. Can't read, can't code.

If you write anything, you can be certain they will take it out of context.
They don't understand what a context is.

Heck, they will use the excuse that they're "not native speakers" to say
they misunderstood.

I mean, why should they make the effort ? it's so easier to take a rumor
out of context, not verify the source, not verify what it says and run
with it.

There's NEVER an excuse for mediocrity.  I'm not a native speaker, Theo
isn't either.  That's not a good reason for not understanding/not writing

That's the same with code, just because you learnt to program with a bad
crowd is no excuse for most of the linux and java code out there. ;-)

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