Hi Ingo,

On Mon, Apr 05 2021 20:30:39 +0200, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
> Whether all control chars are always width 0 can maybe also be
> disputed.  Again, the stronger argument seems to me that they are.
> If they weren't, they would not be control characters but alphanumeric,
> punctuation, spaces, or special printable characters, none of which
> they are.  I say width 1 and 2 require standalone glyphs that are
> normally used for the character.  Besides, no operating system
> correctly identifies this as a control character and yet gives it
> width 1.

I agree with your assessments about iswcntrl and iswprint. My original patch
proposed to keep those return values as is, and only change the wcwidth() from 0
to 1.

> I insist that the discussion should remain very strictly formal,
> about the properties and classification in the Unicode data files
> and nothing else.  If people start arguing about what makes sense
> for any particular character, that's already an argument going
> astray.

In general I agree, but I contend that SHY is, unfortunately, a little bit
special. This confusion about its printability and/or column width is definitely
not unique to OpenBSD.

> > So going by this phrase the character should not be printed
> When formatting a document, for example for printing on paper or
> the online equivalent like PostScript or PDF, i agree.  But i
> strongly prefer the terminal to always display this character because
> the terminal's usual purpose is not nice text formatting for visual
> consumption.  It should usually show the full content of strings
> or files, be it for inspection or for editing.  Omitting characters
> in such contexts sets nasty traps for the person working with the
> terminal.

I agree with this completely - you said it better than I could have. This is
another reason why I think it makes sense for this character to have wcwidth()
of 1 - applications that are "SHY-aware" can print (or not) the soft hyphen
however they wish, but terminal software seems to almost always ask wcwidth() to
figure out the column width. Indeed, terminal software is where I ran into the
problem of SHY sometimes being invisible.

> So i say nothing should be changed at all in OpenBSD.
> Yes, that means column counting is wrong on the terminal, but that's
> a very minor problem, if it's a problem at all, compared to the havoc
> that could result from not showing the character on the terminal at
> all, and it cannot be fixed without causing worse problems in situations
> that matter more.

Right, I am not at all advocating to hide the SHY on the terminal - quite the
contrary, I want to make its width consistent.

The current situation, with SHY having a wcwidth() of 0 causes, for example, the
following discrepancy between xterm(1) (on the left) and tmux(1) in xterm(1) (on
the right): https://hacktheplanet.fi/shytmux.png -- in tmux, the SHY is not

The other issues I observed with discrepancies between OpenBSD and other systems
I already outlined in my initial mail.

Lauri Tirkkonen | lotheac @ IRCnet

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