On 2021/04/05 12:45, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> So, your argument is that displays should remain broken forever.
> > The bug in NetBSD and Linux should be fixed, but that's off-topic here.
> If you cannot explain how this problem is going to be fixed (reversed)
> in these opposing ecosystems (and it is not just Linux and NetBSD), then
> you've closed the argument with a cop-out.
> It cannot be off-topic.
> It is an interop problem which must be settled.
> From time to time, defacto standards arise which have inertia that
> is too great to fight.
> Your position seems to me that original standard are etched in stone and
> it is impossible to have new defacto standards arise, and if interop
> issues arrive, screw everyone -- can't they see there is a stone?

Some terminal emulators are using iso-8859-1 semantics of soft hyphen,
unicode did things differently but those terminals haven't changed.

xterm           printed as hyphen
mlterm          printed as hyphen
putty           printed as hyphen
urxvt           overprinted on previous character
st              not printed, no space
kitty           not printed, no space
cool-retro-term not printed, no space
sakura          printed as space

There's some more about this on https://jkorpela.fi/shy.html,
it's all a mess.

Pragmatically the simplest fix for the original problem might be if
irssi filtered out soft-hyphen characters like mutt does in its
"is_display_corrupting_utf8()" function:


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