Joe Schaefer wrote:
Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

We have a problem with using the Apache::Test name, more correctly we have a
problem with using the Apache/ filename. On platforms with
case-insentive filesystems (winFU, Mac OS X) if mod_perl 1.x is installed,
there is Apache/ (notice the lower case 't'). So when you say 'use
Apache::Test' it loads Apache::test. Boom, nothing works.

There are several routes we can take to resolve this problem:

1. rename Apache::Test to something else. David Wheeler has proposed to use
Apache::Tester (or even swap the sides: Test::Apache).

2. add a new package Apache::TestLoad which will deal with loading the right
Apache::Test package, by replacing 'require Apache::Test' with search for
'Apache/' in @INC and doing do $file; on the full path. That solves the
problem, of loading the right file but you will have to replace all instances
of 'use Apache::Test;' with 'use Apache::TestLoad;', but still using the
functions from Apache::Test. Since they are all imported by default, this is
not a big issue. It's just confusing that use 'Apache::TestLoad'.

I like using the idea of using/reserving Test::Apache here.  Why not combine
options 1 & 2 by making Test::Apache the package loader for Apache::Test
(ie, instead of Apache::TestLoad)?  That way, 3rd party modules that
have problems with Apache::test can use Test::Apache, and httpd-test
development can continue within the Apache::Test namespace.

The problem is that *all* 3rd party modules which use/plan to use Apache::Test
have this problem. They might not be aware of it, because they either aren't running WinFU/OSX or they don't have mp1 installed.

Seems like a workable compromise to me: if all we have to do is
s/Apache::Test/Test::Apache/ for libapreq-1.x, that seems easy enough.

That has the same problem as s/Apache::Test/Apache::TestLoad/, you load one package but use the other.

As of this moment I think the best solution is to extend Apache::Test to support Apache::test and make sure that the installed Apache/ is removed/replaced. The only drawback with this approach (other than the need to code it) is that if someone installs an older mp1 after installing Apache::Test they will install Apache/ I assume that the next version of mp1 will be aware of Apache::Test.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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