Geoffrey Young wrote:

So it seems to me that the simplest route to take is to s/Apache::Test/Apache::Tester/ as suggested by David. Only one file is modified.

If there are no objections, I'll proceed with this route.

not to be nitpicky, but Apache::Tester strikes me as, well, something.

this is a really cool piece of software that has the potential to make many, many developer's lives easier - having a descriptive, decent name is probably important. (though getting everyone to agree may be difficult ;)

how about Apache::TestHarness or Apache::TestSuite or something similar?

We already have the Apache::TestHarness module. But I see no problem moving the $VERSION control into that module and release it as Apache-TestHarness, and rename the Apache::Test module to a different name.

speaking of which, despite CPAN's general dislike of multi-level naming schemes, would Apache::Test::Harness make life easier? technically, we could keep everything other than as is, avoid namespace collisions, and still refer to the whole thing (colloquially) as Apache::Test. ok, well it's just an idea...

That won't work well, because if the distro is named Apache-Test, people will try to install Apache::Test via CPAN. or search for it in

Also I don't get what good the multi-level naming will do to the resolving this problem.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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