On Thu, 25 May 2006, Reinhard Kotucha wrote:

"Axel" == Axel Thimm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 > I hope tetex will be picked up and maintained under the same name
 > and quality. Maybe the whole load of it is too much for one person
 > and therefore a tetex developer group is needed? If a critical
 > mass is gathered maybe it has a chance. I could offer
 > infrastructure for collaborative work (trac/svn etc.).

As Thomas said, teTeX is 100% in TeXLive.  So why do we need a tetex
developer group?

TeXLive and teTeX are the same thing.  The main reason teTeX is
discontinued is that it is too much work to maintain the texmf tree
and that different people are working on the same thing.

As far as I can tell:

-- tetex-src is 100% in TeXLive
-- tetex-texmf is mostly a subset of TeXLive but I suspect the latter to be much bigger (I may be wrong; haven't downloaded or used ever); -- things like texmf/doc/tetex/TETEXDOC.pdf are not in TeX Live and do not seem to have an equivalent; documentation for TeXLive looks much more generic (which is quite understandable).

Can someone be a bit more precise?

One of things I appreciated in tetex was the texmf tree not being complete but a being a very reasonable default.

João Palhoto Matos                     http://www.math.ist.utl.pt/~jmatos
Departamento de Matemática
Instituto Superior Técnico
Lisboa                                      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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