>>>>> "Giuseppe" == Giuseppe Ghibò <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  > Note also that the teTeX's Thomas work is far beyond than a
  > specific single platform (although Linux is the widespread one,
  > there are still support for plenty of other architectures which
  > maybe in these days are not so much widespread, but still used
  > [e.g. SGI, HP/UX, etc. and that many of us don't have access to
  > anymore]).

TeXLive also supports plenty of platforms.  Thomas said that teTeX is
100% in TeXLive.  Hence, teTeX did't support any platform which is not
supported by TeXLive.  TeXLive supports Windows, teTeX didn't.

  > I've seen the tetexrpm initiative and that's good, although, I'm
  > scared of having zillion of packages on for each LaTeX style of
  > 100kbytes long. Better a single base and an extra.

In TeXLive you can choose the packages you want to install.  I don't
understand what you want.  If you want something small, TeXLive is the
best choice because you can install only the packages you need.  What
is the benefit of "a single base and an extra"?  What should go into
the base?  But if you need a single base and an extra, it's no
problem, the TL install script already supports things like that.

  > IMHO I suggest to continue the Tomas's monolitic model (on the
  > other hand it's pretty good) rather than reinventing the wheel
  > with something of modular,

TeXLive is modular already, who has to reinvent the wheel?

  > but just having it with public cvs/svn access (i.e. with
  > permission of committing to a group of developers), rather than
  > migrating the whole TeXlive tree.

I'm not sure I understand you correctly.  TeXLive development is quite
open.  The TL development tree is in svn, you can become a developer
if you want, you can get it with rsync if you only want to download
it, all you need is a web browser to look into it, and everybody is
encouraged to help.

  > There will be a tree for texmf tree and one for texmfsrc. IMHO
  > there should be some mechanism of quality
  > checking/approving/testing rather than just put there every single
  > bell and whistle of LaTeX styles around in CTAN.

Sorry, but it is unfair to blame TL developers to put everything into
TL which is on CTAN without beeing concerned about quality.

Of course, they are very concerned about quality.  They cannot test
everything but everybody is invited to help.

  > Maybe every six months instead of one year there could be a
  > release of the tetexsrc tree (with some RC before). And maybe
  > every one year of the tetex tree.

There could be three or for TeXLive releases per year if more people
would volunteer.

I think that the tetexrpm project is a good thing if it depends on
TeXLive somehow.  Let's try to make TL as good as possible and then
derive everything else from it.

  > (I don't think he will abandon tetex as end user...).

Why should he prefer teTeX over TeXLive?  He doesn't maintain teTeX
any more and he said that teTeX is 100% in TeXLive, and he knows the
TeXLive developers very well.  He knows that they are concerned about
reliability as well.


Reinhard Kotucha                                      Phone: +49-511-4592165
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