On Fri, May 26, 2006 at 09:34:23PM +0200, Thomas Esser wrote:
> > -- tetex-src is 100% in TeXLive
> Yes.
> > -- tetex-texmf is mostly a subset of TeXLive but I suspect the latter to 
> > be much bigger (I may be wrong; haven't downloaded or used ever);
> Almost all of the texmf content in teTeX and TeX Live have CTAN as
> primary source. That makes the trees so similar. teTeX's tree is much much 
> smaller:
> TeX Live:
> =========
>     $ cd /t/texlive/Master/
>     $ du -ms texmf*
>     46      texmf
>     940     texmf-dist
>     122     texmf-doc
>     11      texmf-var
>     $ find texmf* -type f | wc
>       55165   55165 2516019
> teTeX
> =====
>     $ cd /t/src/tetex-texmf
>     $ du -ms .
>     278     .
>     $ find . -type f | wc
>       15634   15634  573300

Would it make sense to have a common project out of which both are cut
from? E.g. tagging some parts of the texmf tree as tetex/minimal and
the rest is texlive/maximal?

texmf is one of the bigger packages in distros and currently they all
try to become Ubuntu-like small. Replacing tetex's texmf with
texlive's might make some texnicians happy at first, but almost
certainly will make vendors get their machetas out and criple it to
only offer the supportive bits they need for creating the distro's
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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