I've just uploaded a new ZIP for PMX 4.06 to


Since one of the changes fixes a bug in line-spacing equalization, let me
take the opportunity to put in a plug for this feature, even though it's
been around for a while. It always bothered me when MusiXTeX made the
vertical distance between systems look unequal, just because there was one
thing that stuck way up or down in one system, even if there would have been
enough space for it when the systems themselves were equally spaced. So a
while ago with some help from the TeXperts I kluged together some macros
that force there to be an equal distance from the top line of one system to
the top line of the next. It's activated by Ae. Just in case you want to
manually insert some extra space, there's also a macro \spread in pmx.tex
that you can insert inline in the system before the space; its only argument
is the extra space in \internotes.

Here's the list of changes in 2.406:

Allow explicit double sharps and flats in chords. At least it won't crash
now, and the relative positions of accidentals in chords should be OK. But
you may still need to insert extra space with X to make room for the mass of
accidentals if some are double.

New option Aph to write \special{header=psslurs.pro} top of each page, so
dviselec will work OK. This is only needed if you rearrange pages in dvi
files to make booklets.

Bugfix in pmx.tex for system spacing equalization by Ae, to correct behavior
when top staff was made smaller than others using \setsize n \smallvalue\
(Before, it was giving smaller space after first system than others).

Bugfix in line-break postscript tie option Apl, to correct behavior when
there is more than one staff in an instrument.

Internal change in storage, transparent to user: Use only first 4 bits of
mult for multiplicity+8, so rest can be used for other stuff.

Bugfix: Move stemlength stuff in nacc(27-30) to mult(27-30) to remove
storage conflict with dot movement stuff.

--Don Simons

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