Thanks to all who commented about the end-of-file issue, and for your
understanding about the complexities of cross-platform compatibility. I'll
definitely add a comment in the manual for the soon-to-appear version 2.5.

Karsten's example highlights another issue I plan to visit soon: appending
comments to the end of a line. It's not now officially legal; comments are
supposed to start with something in column 1. But empirically, it usually
seems to be OK to append comments.  I'll see if I can make that official.

That was one of many PMX topics that Cornelius Noack and I discussed when he
came to visit me for a few days last weekend in S. Cal on the way to a
meeting in Berkeley. Another suggestion he made was to allow a global .mod
file, containing PMX commands to be inserted after the setup data in every
file. I now have a version of this working in Win98 and plan to check it in
RH Linux 9 today. It was surprisingly tricky due to several factors; (1) At
ccn's suggestion I'm using an environment variable to define the path to the
file; (2) I need to enable syntax checking and error reporting for the
contents of the file, necessitating some serious juggling to get the
reported line numbers to come out right for the mod file as well as the main

Cornelius and I didn't spend the whole time PMX'ing. A highlight was a visit
to the Getty center, an absolute must-do for any tourist in So. Cal. If you
haven't heard, it's a museum and research center sitting on a hillside above
LA. It houses a fabulous collection of paintings, sculpture, and
photographs, and its architecture is almost as impressive as its art. To top
it off, the weather was perfect, with summer-like temperatures and the
clearest skies I've ever seen. The view over the LA basin was jaw-dropping,
from the ocean to downtown to the mountains. We could see snow-covered peaks
over 100 miles away.

--Don Simons

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