Hi Don

I just compiled your example using the gnu fortran compiler g77 (you should have mentioned that lines have to be indented) under Mac OS X and it works. But, as someone pointed out already on the list this morning, you have to set your environment as

export PMXMODDIR=...



(this syntax holds for the bash shell). Otherwise the value of the variable remains local and is not passed to any child process. This evening, I'll try it on my good old LinuxPPC machine.

On UN*X systems it is more or less common practice to have user-local configuration files in the user's home directory as hidden files like ".pmxrc" (starting the name with a dot makes the file to be a hidden one). Often the default name and location can be overridden by a command line option or an environment variable. What do you think about a programmed in default value, once $PMXMODDIR is empty? If no env-name is given and a file corresponding to the default name exists, it is read in. For the case that something goes wrong with the environment variables, this gives a sort of escape lane for a temporal workaround. By the way, I would let the choice to the user, how to name the config file, expecting the entire name including path to be given in the environment variable. If you have a lot of those files, you might be happy if its you who decides how to range them.


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