Am 2004.01.14 13:55 schrieb(en) Bernhard Lang:

On UN*X systems it is more or less common practice to have user-local configuration files in the user's home directory as hidden files like ".pmxrc".
By the way, I would let the choice to the user, how to name the config file, expecting the entire name including path to be given in the environment variable.

Hello Don,

maybe you should explain in detail how it's supposed to work.

If a single file is included in every .pmx input file without changing the input file I would agree with Bernhard's suggestion.
But I think a .pmx file depending on other files but not showing which one is not a good idea. It would be hard to find out what you need to compile such a file. That's why I'd prefer the second interpretation:

If you specify the file name to be included in the PMX input file then a variable telling the directory is perfect.
To me this seems similar to a "-I directory" option of a C compiler in combination with an "#include <file>" in the C source code.
In this case the .pmx file does not contain the complete information needed to get the result, but it shows where to look for the missing parts.

Additional suggestions:

Maybe you should allow specifying more than one directory for .mod files similar to the PATH variable or similar to several "-I directory" options for a C compiler. (PMXMODPATH variable ?)
When searching for a .mod fiel it might be useful to first look in the directory where the .pmx is located and then in the specified directory (or path).

What about nested includes?

Seeing this as a simple preprocessor included in PMX, I think that conditional compilation depending on environment variables or PMX internal variables (e.g. number of voices) might be useful as well.

Bodo _______________________________________________ Tex-music mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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