I'm now educated about "export"ing environment variables in Linux...thanks
to the collective and individual experience of our distinguished list. I've
confirmed that it works in RH Linux 9.0. So it appears that my initial
proposal for the configuration file will work in both Windows and Linux
systems. I also appreciate all the suggestions for enhancements and

After thinking about all of this, here's how I now plan to proceed (and of
course I welcome further comments). I'm going to start calling these things
"include" files rather than "configuration," because after all they're just
arbitrary sets of ordinary PMX commands. There will be two kinds of such
files, global and normal. The global one (there can only be one) will
operate exactly as I outlined earlier. It will be named pmx.mod. An
environment variable PMXMODDIR (case-sensitive in Linux) will have to
contain the path to the file. If PMXMODDIR is defined and if the file
exists, then its contents will be added (in a virtual sense) to every .pmx
file right after the setup data. The contents will be syntax-checked, and
echoed to the screen and to the .pml file. True, there will be no record in
the .pmx file of what was included in this way, but there will be in the
.pml, and it will have required two specific actions by the user---defining
PMXMODDIR and creating pmx.mod---to initiate this activity.

The normal include files will be allowed at the beginning of any input
block. The only thing a user will need to do to read one in will be to
insert a pmx command. The effect will be exactly like \input in TeX (except
I double if they can be nested).  The argument of the command will be the
name of the file including any necessary path information. For this type of
include file, there will be a record in the .pmx file. Anyone who doesn't
like the lack of traceablity of pmx.mod can accomplish the same purpose with
a normal include file entered right after the setup data. Those who
suggested multiple such files can use this method to select which one they
want in each particular case. The syntax that comes to mind is AR[filename]
(R stands for read; "I" is already taken, either as an option to "A" or as a
stand-alone command). It's not too late to change this if anyone has a
better suggestion.

I didn't want to create a default path to pmx.mod because (1) that would
only have required one positive action (creating pmx.mod) to initiate,
making it more likely that a user would lose track of things, and (2) that
would be difficult to make compatible across different OS's.

--Don Simons

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